13 Men and Me — Creating and Filming the World’s Fist Fucking Record

The first piercing I ever got was back in the day when there weren’t even that many people around the country skilled or good at doing piercings. But I wanted a Prince Albert, and on a business trip to L.A. I finally went to a well-known piercer there. And on the wall there was a drawing of a circle of men, all with their fists up each other’s asses. Obviously, getting my first PA was a big deal but I’ve never forgotten that drawing.

It stuck in my mind for decades, actually. Then, in 2019, we were launching the Fort Troff outpost for the European market. We were looking to throw a party and do something erotic as part of the celebration, and I decided we’d recreate that incredible drawing I’d seen so many years ago. 

Now the European, gay piggy-kinky world is different from the U.S. in the sense that they’re very precise and they’re very organized. So when I asked the fisting community of Europe, “What is the world record for the number of guys linked by fist in a circle?” they immediately knew the answer. The record was 10, no dispute, no caveat. So we set our sights to beat the world record. 

We did 13. We crushed it.

Wouter Geurtsen, an incredible guy I’ve known through the years, was the head of our European operation and he did the legwork in getting the word out to the fisting community that we wanted to shatter the world record, and did a fantastic job of recruiting the guys. Everybody showed up, everybody was on time, everybody was ready. Everybody was geared up and all put such effort into it. They were all so eager to break this record! 

When it came time to start shooting, we asked them to line up. And you should have seen them all perfectly hop to attention and line up, their metaphorical tails wagging. So eager! It was unbelievable, these guys and what they brought to this thing. 

Let’s be clear: 13 men fisting one another in a circle is not an easy thing to do. All it takes is one bottom where suddenly the fist is not in the right spot or they’re not in the right head pace and they have to tap out. Plus, quite a bit of time passes from the first guy to the 13th. I would guess it took us over half an hour to get everyone connected. And nobody tapped out! 

This was one of the most incredible nights of my life. I walked the circle, making sure we were solidly, definitely in, and when No. 13 put his fist into the ass of No. 1, I knew something was going to happen. And sure enough, the wifi went out! There had to be something because of all of that energy! Afterwards one of the guys joked, “Yeah, the Russians monitoring noticed this huge beam of energy going into outer space.” It was just an incredible performance by all 13 of these incredibly dedicated and skilled kinky, piggy players. The amount of preparation these guys had to do to be ready for this, physically and mentally, is just incredible.

And why not break the record with 13? As long as you’re fucking with things and tearing down barriers and causing mayhem, let’s just push it as far as we can in all aspects. What a night on earth! 

Watch the Human Fistipede below—what do you want us to bring to life next?